By the Grace of our Lord Jesus,
We cordially invite you to
The Wedding Of
After a long search for love, God brought us together in His perfect timing.
All for the glory of God's name.
We are getting hitched!
September 24th, 2022 | 09:00 WIB
Bride & Groom
“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
Matthew 19:6
Our Story
It all begin with a simple Hi.
Please kindly help us to prepare better by confirming your attendance by filling in the RSVP form below:
Mohon bantu kami mempersiapkan segalanya secara lebih baik dengan mengonfirmasi kehadiran anda dengan mengisi form RSVP berikut:
Wedding Wishes
Sedang Memuat Komentar..
Live Streaming
Due to the recent Covid-19 circumstances, we regret to say that we are unable to invite all of you in person, for it’s in our best interest that everyone stays safe. However, we’re still very much excited to share the joy of our special day with you virtually through our live streaming channel below:
Sehubungan dengan keadaan saat ini terkait Covid-19, dengan berat hati kami tidak dapat mengundang anda semua secara langsung, mengingat penting bagi kami bahwa semua orang tetap aman. Meski demikian, kami tetap ingin berbagi momen pernikahan kami dengan anda secara virtual melalui channel live streaming kami dibawah ini:
Live Wedding Rundown
Susunan Acara Live Wedding
Holy Matrimony | 9.00 AM - 11.00 AM
Pemberkatan | 9.00 WIB - 11.00 WIB
Please watch on Youtube Live to witness our wedding events.
Silahkan saksikan hari berbahagia kami melalui YouTube Live mempelai untuk menyaksikan serangkaian acara pernikahan secara Live.
Thank You
Thank you and see you on our big day!